Friday 14 March 2025


نسخه مناسب چاپارسال توسط ایمیلنسخه PDF
Row Idiom
1 Applicant Natural or legal person who has requested the establishment of a branch or branches of water and sewage or a change in the diameter of the branch and the contracted capacity, but his request has not been done yet.
2 Common Natural or legal person whose branch or branches (water or sewage) requested are established in accordance with the regulations.
3 Company Urban and rural water and sewage company, which is established or is established in accordance with the relevant laws and operates for all or part of the supply and distribution of drinking water, as well as the collection, transfer and treatment of wastewater within the company's service area, and Provides the required services of water and sewage.
4 Water supply and extraction All operations related to the operation of facilities and equipment related to water extraction from wells, springs, canals and water abstraction from surface sources (pumps and water intake facilities from rivers and dams) as well as the operation of treatment plants, Disinfection facilities and service tanks and transmission lines to the beginning of storage tanks or water supply network to supply water, which facilities generally belong to the company or regional water company.
5 Public water distribution network All facilities, equipment and water distribution, such as storage tanks, main and sub-lines of water distribution, as well as pumps inside the network, which are wholly owned by the company.
6 Dedicated water supply line Installations and lines created in the distance between the existing public distribution network to the beginning of the branch pipe (the place of installation of the branch valve), including the pipe and other accessories, are called special water supply lines.
7 Water branching The part of the water sub-pipe whose cross section is considered in proportion to the meter and the capacity of the common water branch, and finally the private water supply line or public water distribution network (from the installation of the branch valve) to the delivery point (installation of the meter) Connects, including pipes and related fittings to the valve after the meter, is called a branch and belongs to the company. .
8 Shared water facilities and equipment Water installations and equipment as well as the piping system that is created by the subscriber or subscribers after the point of delivery (meter installation location) are called joint facilities and equipment and belong to the subscriber or subscribers.
9 Measuring instruments Meters or meters and other accessories and all relevant devices and devices that are installed at the point of delivery in accordance with the contract in order to limit or measure the flow and volume of water. These devices are all owned and owned by the company and their installation location is determined by the company in all cases.
10 Public network for wastewater collection and transfer All facilities and equipment related to wastewater collection and transfer, such as the establishment of public sub-networks and main collectors to the treatment plant and pump houses inside the wastewater network, which is wholly owned by the company.
11 Wastewater treatment and disposal All operations related to the operation of facilities and equipment related to wastewater treatment and disposal, such as treatment plants, pump houses and various facilities and equipment of treatment processes, chlorination facilities, canals or wastewater transmission lines to a certain point.
12 Dedicated sewer connection line Installations and lines created in the distance of the existing public sewage collection network to the junction of the sewer branch pipe, including pipes and other accessories, are called the dedicated sewer connection line.
13 Sewage diversion The part of the sewer sub-pipe whose cross section is proportional to the siphon or the contracted capacity and transfers the common sewage from the siphon (delivery point) to the private line or the general sewage collection network (including the pipe and related accessories and the siphon). , Is called sewage diversion (connection) and belongs to the company.
14 Common sewage facilities and equipment All facilities and facilities related to wastewater collection and transfer, such as sub-networks, pump house, etc., and possible pre-treatment facilities before the point of delivery (siphon) that are created by the subscriber or subscribers, are called joint wastewater facilities and equipment. Belongs to the subscriber or subscribers.
15 Water or sewage delivery point The point where the company's facilities are connected to the joint facilities and where the measuring and control devices are installed. Generally, the water delivery point is the place where the water meter is installed and the sewage delivery point is the place where the sewage disposal siphon is installed.
16 Contract for establishing a branch A contract concluded between the company and the applicant, according to the provisions of which a water or sewage branch is established.
17 Water services Availability and availability of water collection and use from the water supply network by water branch and measuring devices (meters), with a specific capacity and with normal pressure and appropriate quality (at the point of delivery), whether the subscriber uses this capacity or ننماید.
* Conventional water network pressure according to the definition of minimum and maximum allowable pressure of water distribution network in the publication No. 3-117 of the Management and Planning Organization entitled "Principles and criteria for designing water supply projects" and with the opinion of the company's technical committee (consisting of network manager And branches and technical office experts) are determined for each area.
18 Sewage services Providing the possibility of discharging and disposing of wastewater to the public wastewater collection network in proportion to the water consumption and the prescribed capacity and the specifications agreed in the contract for establishing a wastewater branch, regardless of whether the subscriber uses this capacity or not.
19 Contractual capacity The contracted capacity of water diversion is the volume of water that is included in the joint contract and the subscriber is allowed to consume to this extent in terms of cubic meters per month. This capacity is determined in residential units as consumption pattern within the approved criteria and For other uses (non-home) based on the request of the applicant or subscriber and if there are technical facilities to participate in the framework of the criteria in terms of cubic meters per month is determined.
Contractual capacity of sewage branch is the capacity of the possibility of discharging the volume of effluent with the specifications determined by the company in proportion to the amount of water consumption, whether from urban and rural water network or not, in terms of cubic meters per month, with mention The amount of contamination load is determined by the company.
20 Types of water and sewage branches Types of water and sewage diversions, the type of use is as follows:
A) Diversion of water and domestic sewage: Diversion of water and sewage for domestic use refers to the diversions that are established only within the normal limits of drinking water and sanitation or disposal of domestic wastewater in residential units.
An urban housing unit is a place to live that, at the discretion of the company, has at least one room, a kitchen and a service, and its entrance is independent or connected to a shared corridor, and its plumbing system is separate. Is a company.
B) Subsidiary water and sewage diversion: These tributaries are established for communal use in blocks and residential building complexes and residential and industrial towns and separately from other tributaries (such as water and sewage tributaries of public areas, laundry, Sewage taps in the parking lot and engine room of complexes and collective meters in residential areas and the like.
C) Public utility diversion: Public utility water and sewage diversion refers to diversions that are used for non-profit public services (mentioned in the tariff).
D) Green space branch: Green space water branch refers to the branches that are requested by the relevant operators to supply water to public green spaces inside cities, including parks, squares, squares, boulevards or side streets, and are established in accordance with company regulations. .
E) Production branching: Production branching refers to the branching that is used to operate and exploit industries, factories, mining, agricultural industries to produce agricultural and livestock products in workshops (such as poultry farming, silkworm breeding and Etc.) and small industries and production classes are used. Production wastewater diversion refers to the branches that are used to collect and dispose of wastewater in factories, factories, institutes, workshops and production classes after pre-treatment and the quality of wastewater output reaches the allowable level. At the connection to the network, sewage collection is established according to company standards.
F) Branch of commercial uses: refers to the branches that are generally established for the place of business and trade. In addition, the costs of branches that do not comply with any of the provisions of this paragraph are subject to commercial tariffs. The place where goods or services are traded and any place where commercial activities and the provision of for-profit services (mentioned in the tariff) take place are considered commercial.
G) Temporary water and sewage branch: It is a branch that is assigned without receiving the cost of establishing a branch for any activity that is done only for a certain period of time and ends.
21 Types of water and sewage branches The diameter of the water and sewage branch of the subscribers is determined by the company based on the contractual capacity of the branch within the framework of rules and regulations. Companies are notified based on the guide table.
22 Operation license for water and sewage diversion After implementing all the provisions of the contract and establishing a water and sewage branch of the company to issue an exploitation license in which information such as: subscription number, type of use, contract capacity, branch diameter, amount of arenas, number of units and floors and amount Permitted load of sewage entering the public sewer network for water or sewage diversion and possible changes in the branch is listed, action and provide it to the subscriber.
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