Friday 17 January 2025

Deputy of Human Resources and Research

نسخه مناسب چاپارسال توسط ایمیلنسخه PDF

Name and surname:Behrooz Rabati
position: Deputy of Human Resources and Research
Father's name:Mohammad Ali
Place of birth: Khorramabad
Phone: 06633300669
Fax: 06633200669
Internal: 208
Work address: Khorramabad - Bahman Square - Valiasr St. - North Shahid Shafipour Boulevard - next to the Municipal Cooperation Organization

Educational background

University name Field of Study degree of education Row
Shahid Rafipour High School Environmental Health diploma 1
Tehran Azad University Accounting Bachelor's degree 2
 Tehran Azad University Accounting Master's degree 3

work experience

Up to date from Service location Position Row
1/6/75 1/6/73 Super Poor Sound Electronics Co., Tehran accounting manager 1
15/1/76 15/10/75 Fajr Trading Group, Tehran Head of General Accounting 2
4/2/79 22/6/76 Lorestan Water Company Industrial accountant 3
4/2/79 22/6/76 Lorestan Water Company Responsible for cost accounting 4
8/8/80 5/2/79 Lorestan Water Company Head of the General Accounting Department 5
26/3/86 9/8/80 Lorestan Water Company Financial Affairs Manager 6
17/7/91 27/3/86 Lorestan Water Company Vice President of Finance and Support 7
22/9/95 18/7/91 Lorestan Water Company Head of the audit and financial supervision department 8
29/3/97 30/2/95 Lorestan Water Company Advisor to the CEO in financial affairs 9
17/3/1403 30/3/97 Lorestan Water Company Vice President of Finance and Support 10
continues 17/3/1403 Lorestan Water Company Deputy head of human resources and research 11

Experimental records and training course

course title Row
Financial management for financial managers 1
Financial rules and regulations 2
Accounting guidelines 3
Getting to know the basics, concepts, requirements and documentation of ISO 9000 4
Briefing training on the growth and promotion plan for managers 5
Writing skills 6
ISO 2001-2000 7
Seven IT skills 8
public Management 9
Basics of economics 10
User rules 11
New perspectives in financial management 2 12
General accounting law 13
The first conference of consultants of financial managers 14
The second conference of consultants of financial managers 15
Islamic thoughts in management 16
Classification and regulations and instructions 17
7th International Management Conference 18
Human resource development management 19
The third international conference of consultants and financial managers 20
Special rights of managers, special violations and crimes of employees 21
Telemetry and remote control systems in the water industry 22
operational budgeting 23
Tax accounting code 110 24
Analysis of quality management system requirements based on ISO 9001-9000 standard 25
Financial Statement Analysis 26
Energy Conference 27
Capital management course for water and sewage experts 28
The fourth international conference of accountants and financial managers 29

Membership in committees or working groups

Title of committee or working group Row
Technical protection and work health committee 1
Treaty Committee 2
Employment status conversion committee 3
Outsourcing Committee 4
Proposal system committee 5
GIS Non-Revenue Water Committee 6
Job classification and evaluation committee 7
Planning and Human Resources Committee 8
Education Committee 9
Evaluation Committee 10
Consumption Pattern Reform Committee 11
Corporate Property Committee 12
Performance Management Committee 13
Islamic Labor Council 14
Treatment Council 15

Areas under supervision

Phone Internal Side first name and last name
33225805-33225804 218 Director of the Office of Information Technology and Electronic Government Development ehsan ahmadi
33234599   Director of the Office of Management Development and Research rezvan barmeziyar
33225805-33225804 231 Director of the Office of Personnel Affairs and Welfare

amin momeni

33225805-33225804 265 Director of the Office of Human Resources Education Ashraf Rahman Shahi



  1. Re1.gistration and updating of the database of service sector employees
  2. Planning for training and empowerment of official and service staff
  3. Supervising the implementation of job classification in service companies
  4. Supervise the issuance of personnel judgments
  5. Preparation and regulation of detailed general organization and supervision of its implementation
  6. Planning and needs assessment of human and educational manpower in order to attract and transfer and upgrade the scientific level of employees and increase productivity
  7. Carrying out matters related to the job classification and evaluation plan and the payment system and supervising the implementation of the evaluation system of the staff and units of the deputy
  8. Investigating the financial capacities, executive and personnel facilities in order to perform the necessary priorities in formulating the company's programs.
  9. Monitoring the registration and updating of the HRS system
  10. Supervision, Estimation and Retirement Services of Employees Planning and supervision of insurance services of employees
  11. Planning and monitoring sports and staff health
  12. Performing the duties and responsibilities of the Secretariat of the Organizing and Job Classification Committee


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