Friday 14 March 2025

Agreement Level Statement

نسخه مناسب چاپارسال توسط ایمیلنسخه PDF

Statement of service level agreement on the website

Remarkable Dear Visitors

Hereby, the statement informs the level of agreement of all services of Lorestan Urban Water and Sewerage Company website:
The purpose of this service level agreement is to agree on the quality of delivery of all services to customers (applicants / subscribers) in order to provide quality services provided by Lorestan Water and Sewerage Company (Private Joint Stock).
This statement sets out the level of mutual agreement on these services and organizational responsibilities as necessary.
The website of Lorestan Water and Sewerage Company is available to the applicants / subscribers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, based on the stability of communication infrastructures. The website will inform the applicants.
Employees are required to submit the required documents to receive services through the electronic service system of subscribers or counter offices electronically. The required documents for each service separately are available on the company's website at
If it is technically possible to provide services to the subscriber, Lorestan Water and Sewerage Company will provide services after paying the service costs by the subscriber.

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