Name and surname: Tayebeh Nikpai
Position: Deputy of Investment Planning and Development
Father's name: Ahmad Ali
Place of birth: Khorramabad
Phone: 06633208314
Internal: -
Email: barnamerizi@abfa-lorestan.ir
Work address: Khorramabad - Bahman Square - Valiasr St. - North Shahid Shafipour Boulevard - next to the Municipal Cooperation Organization
Educational background
University name | Field of Study | degree of education | Row |
Allameh Tabatabaei University | Economical science | Bachelor | 1 |
Karaj Research Institute | System management and planning | MA | 2 |
work experience
Up to date | from | Service location | Position | Row |
yet | 1399 | Abfa Lorestan | Deputy of Investment Planning and Development | 1 |
1399 | 1394 | Abfa Lorestan | Head of Customer Service | 2 |
1394 | 1389 | Abfa Lorestan | Deputy of Planning and Human Resources | 3 |
1389 | 1386 | Abfa Lorestan | Program and Budget Office Manager | 4 |
1386 | 1384 | Abfa Lorestan | Head of Plans, Budget and Credits | 5 |
1374 | 1372 | Abfa Lorestan | programming expert | 6 |
yet | 1394 | Abfa Lorestan | Alternate member of the company's board of directors | 7 |
Experimental records and training course
course title | Row |
ICDL | 1 |
English language and taking courses at a sufficient level | 2 |
Familiarity with renewable energy | 3 |
Explaining the instructions and training workshop for growth and promotion | 4 |
Educational planning and technology | 5 |
Evaluator training and familiarization with the EFOM model for preparing statements | 6 |
Self-evaluation of the provincial water and sewage company based on the EFOM model | 7 |
Productivity Management Course | 8 |
Educational technology course | 9 |
operation management | 10 |
Economic assessment and environmental impacts of water systems development (water industry specific) | 11 |
Seminar on the implementation of Article 44 of the Constitution in the water and electricity industry | 12 |
Costing and Budgeting Accountant Course | 13 |
Job classification and evaluation plan course | 14 |
Healthy relationships between husband and wife | 15 |
Experiences Documentation Course | 16 |
Familiarization course for women with personal, social and administrative rights | 17 |
Work and time evaluation period | 18 |
Participatory Management | 19 |
knowledge management | 20 |
Empowering methods to improve the consumption pattern of rural women | 21 |
The role of women and counseling in the age of knowledge-based civilization | 22 |
NLP and its role in the psychological patterns of managers and employees | 23 |
Familiarity with the principles and concepts of jihadi culture and management | 24 |
Awareness of energy consumption management | 25 |
Familiarity with the law of general calculations | 26 |
ACOUrseOnTheCosfQuality | 28 |
INTERATIONALSTUDYTOURONTechnicalwaterandwastewaterlnnovations | 29 |
TRAININGCOURSEONCOStRecoveryandsubsidiesforwaterServiceproviders | 30 |
InternaIAUditorQualitymanagementSystemTrainingcourse,BasedOnISO9001:2008 | 31 |
QualityManagement | 32 |
AuditorTrainingcourseISO9001:2000 | 33 |
Membership in committees or working groups
Title of committee or working group | Row |
Executive Committee for Training of Water and Wastewater Engineering Company | 1 |
Outsourcing working group of Iran Water and Sewerage Engineering Company | 2 |
The work of the review team of the comprehensive budgeting system of water and sewage companies | 3 |
Human Resources Working Group of Iran Water and Sewerage Engineering Company | 4 |
Passive Defense Committee | 5 |
Real estate, technical and operation | 6 |
Management Development Commission | 7 |
Crisis management and passive defense | 8 |
Administrative Transformation Committee | 9 |
Water Committee without revenue | 10 |
Security and information technology | 11 |
Evaluation, classification and evaluation system coordination committee | 12 |
Bachelor of Economic Cost of Water and Sewage Disposal Services | 13 |
Secretary of Performance Management Committee | 14 |
Council for enjoining the good and forbidding the evil | 15 |
Welfare and wellness | 16 |
Workshop protection and hygiene | 17 |
Development of e-government and smartening of management structure and technologies | 18 |
Administrative health and protection of people's rights | 19 |
Human Capital | 20 |
Energy | 21 |
Sub-system of suggestions | 22 |
Sport | 23 |
Areas under supervision
name | position | Internal | Phone |
mohammad karim rezaei | Director of the control office of plans and project management | 06633208314 | |
siamak parhizghar | Director of Planning and Budget Office | 06633208314 | |
Ali Maaref | Director of the Office of Productivity Improvement and Sustainable Development | 06633208314 | |
Ladan Masoudi | Director of the Office of Investment, Equipping Financial Resources and Developing Partnerships | 06633208314 |
- Necessary planning in order to carry out field activities and improve productivity and improve management
- Preparing and setting goals and formulating periodic programs in coordination with other parts of the companyand Prioritize plans and programs and submit to operating management
- Developing methods and policies, determining and evaluating existing systems and designing new systems in order to achieve the company's goals
- Collecting, analyzing information and updating statistics and information within the framework of the company's duties and responsibilities
- Review of plans and programs, Coordinating with the goals and policies set to make suggestions for reform and If necessary, combine plans and programs
- Investigating the financial capacities, executive and personnel facilities in order to perform the necessary priorities in formulating the company's programs.
- Monitoring implemented programs and Development of indicators and criteria for evaluating programs and operations and Determining the standard deviation in order to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of executive methods and Finally, a proposal to reform the executive operation
- Carrying out activities related to the review of advanced and uniform systems and methods of operation and operations
- Creating and launching the required systems and upgrading the management information systems, promoting the mechanization of the systems, integrating and integrating information in order to create a database
- Collaborate in reviewing practical strategies for outsourcing activities
- Operational planning, preparation and adjustment of annual budget, development of indicators and criteria for the program and proposing studies related to areas of work
- Preparation of specifications and results of applied research, creating the necessary ground for attracting relevant specialists and experts in conducting research.